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Items in California

Now Showing Items for Auction in California(CA) sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
lot sale: computer lot sale: 40 qty. mostly dell optiflex towers a few hp towers no hdd 5/21/2024-5/25/2024  
hp pro desk 400 towers (5) 5/21/2024-6/16/2024  
microscope nikon objectives: plan fluor 10x/0.30 ph1 dll lwd 20x/0.40 ph1 adl 10x/0.25 ph1 adl 4x/0. 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
nanosonics: trophon epr probe cleaning system 5/21/2024-5/22/2024  
nanosonics: trophon epr probe cleaning system 5/21/2024-5/22/2024  
hill-rom: totalcare sport p1900 hospital bed 5/21/2024-5/29/2024  
vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
50' & 24 onn tv 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
ri-former integrated diagnostic system x 2 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
ri-former integrated diagnostic system x 2 - a 5/21/2024-5/23/2024  
switches: network 8 port 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
kay pentax 9106 rigid laryngostroboscope endoscope, sn#3242. 5/21/2024-  
vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" 5/21/2024-5/24/2024  
a pallet of approximately 42ea microsemi pd-9506g/acdc/m 6-port high power midspan 72w/port 5/21/2024-6/1/2024  
a lot of approximately 30 jl9773a 2530 -24 port 5/21/2024-6/1/2024  
lot of (24) cs level 2 isolation gowns 5/21/2024-5/22/2024  
lot of (24) cs level 2 isolation gowns 5/21/2024-5/22/2024  
cafeteria table and storage workstation 5/21/2024-5/21/2024  
hobart d-300 floor mixer 5/21/2024-5/21/2024  
hobart a-200 floor mixer 5/21/2024-5/21/2024  
hobart h-600 floor mixer 5/21/2024-5/21/2024  
cafeteria table and storage workstation 5/21/2024-5/21/2024  
disposable gowns 5/21/2024-5/23/2024  
fabric face masks 5/21/2024-5/23/2024  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  lot sale: computer lot sale: 40 qty. mostly dell optiflex towers a few hp towers no hdd Davis, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/25/2024 
Details  hp pro desk 400 towers (5) Davis, CA Online 5/21/2024-6/16/2024 
Details  microscope nikon objectives: plan fluor 10x/0.30 ph1 dll lwd 20x/0.40 ph1 adl 10x/0.25 ph1 adl 4x/0. Davis, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  nanosonics: trophon epr probe cleaning system Downey, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/22/2024 
Details  nanosonics: trophon epr probe cleaning system Downey, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/22/2024 
Details  hill-rom: totalcare sport p1900 hospital bed Downey, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/29/2024 
Details  vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" El Centro, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  50' & 24 onn tv El Centro, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  ri-former integrated diagnostic system x 2 El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  ri-former integrated diagnostic system x 2 - a El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/23/2024 
Details  switches: network 8 port El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  kay pentax 9106 rigid laryngostroboscope endoscope, sn#3242. El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024- 
Details  vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  vacuum pump: turbomolecular 6" El Monte, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/24/2024 
Details  a pallet of approximately 42ea microsemi pd-9506g/acdc/m 6-port high power midspan 72w/port Elk Grove, CA Online 5/21/2024-6/1/2024 
Details  a lot of approximately 30 jl9773a 2530 -24 port Elk Grove, CA Online 5/21/2024-6/1/2024 
Details  lot of (24) cs level 2 isolation gowns Fresno, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/22/2024 
Details  lot of (24) cs level 2 isolation gowns Fresno, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/22/2024 
Details  cafeteria table and storage workstation Glendora, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/21/2024 
Details  hobart d-300 floor mixer Glendora, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/21/2024 
Details  hobart a-200 floor mixer Glendora, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/21/2024 
Details  hobart h-600 floor mixer Glendora, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/21/2024 
Details  cafeteria table and storage workstation Glendora, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/21/2024 
Details  disposable gowns Hollister, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/23/2024 
Details  fabric face masks Hollister, CA Online 5/21/2024-5/23/2024