Tag Archives: gym shorts

94 Pairs Of Basketball Shorts: Baller Status

94 Basketball ShortsIf you are looking to hit the courts then you should check out this upcoming online auction for 94 Pairs Of Basketball Shorts! These basketball shorts look like they are very comfortable and can be a great way to play the game while working up a sweat. They are ideal for working out because they aren’t jeans, which are the worse pants to probably work out in. This upcoming online auction would be great for anyone who owns a store of clothing and needs some more inventory. Playing basketball is the way to go and since the playoffs are right upon us and March Madness is just about done, these would be a great item to have. If you ran a school then these shorts would be perfect for your roster of up and comers. Find out more about these items and about many more government auctions by activating your free trial account right now.