21 Food Service Carts: Get Wheeled Up!

foodcartsThese 21 Food Service Carts can be yours soon at this online auction that is going on right now! These carts look like they are in great shape and would help out you and your business tremendously. This lot of items is ideal for someone who owns a catering business or a service business. You know, you don’t have to fill these carts up with food. You can probably fill them with whatever you want and modify them to your own specifications. These carts are stainless steel and have 4 wheels each on the bottom. That makes these carts easily moveable and convenient for whoever uses them. This could be the item you need to start that restaurant or bakery that you have always wanted! The current bid on this item is only $215 with the auction ending very soon. You can find out more information about this lot of items and many more by activating your free trial.