4 Coleman Max LED Flashlights: Illuminate The Way

4 Coleman FLashlightsWhen the lights go out, and yes, sometimes they do, you should have these 4 Coleman Max LED Flashlights handy to illuminate the way, turning you into a beacon in the darkness. Now, these items are up for online auction next month and can definitely be of some assistance to you, especially if you work in the dark, have a dark house, or are prone to power outages. Also, these lights would help you look under beds, sofas, between bookcases, and anywhere there is no light. They also come new in box so you can have the sheer joy of taking them out when you win this lot of items. These flashlights are located in Florida and can most certainly be shipped out to you if you win. Plus, you can probably get them on the cheap! Find out more about this lot of items and more government auctions by activating your free trial account right now!