Everyone needs a car for their everyday life. No matter who you are or what you do odds are you need a vehicle to get around. Despite everyone needing a car they are still very expensive. Plus the high cost of gas and inflation means everyone needs to find ways to save. New cars can easily be out of the price range for the average person. This is why you should consider purchasing a used vehicle at auction. You could potentially save a lot of money and get a great deal on a wonderful vehicle. Up for auction now is a gray 2016 Ford Explorer. It is an SUV with a 6 cylinder engine. The estimate mileage for the vehicle is 72,263 and the vehicle identification number is 1FM5K8B87GGB55675. Deficiencies may exist and repairs and maintenance will be needed on several items. Inspection prior to bidding and/or purchasing is of course always highly recommended. This auction is located in Lake Charles, LA and the closing time is on 12/14 at 11:00 am central time. Right now, the current bid is $13,100 USD and there has been 2 bidders so far. Act soon as you definitely do not want to miss this amazing deal! Start saving today! For any further information, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial.