You Can Even Get Land At Auction!

Odds are you already know that you can get amazing deals by bidding on the things you need at auction. Things like cars, clothes, jewelry, watches, and so much more! But did you know that you can even get land at auction? Land seems to be only going up and up in value. By bidding at auction you can get land you need affordably just like anything else! Rural Residential 2.2-acre lot in Stratford, OK. The property is located north of OK-19. The equipment shelter building, RCLR antenna tower and fencing have been removed and the site has been restored. The parcel is irregular in shape and approximately 475 feet by 610 feet. The condition of the property is not warranted. Inspection prior to bidding and/or purchasing is of course always highly recommend. Act quickly to make sure this great deal does not get away! This auction is located in Stratford, OK and the closing time is on currently to be determined (TBD). Right now, the current bid is $11,000 USD and there has been 4 bidders so far. Act soon as you definitely do not want to miss this amazing deal! Start saving today! For any further information, simply click here to subscribe to for your FREE 3 day trial.