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Our Neighbor, MedaDoc: Medical Records Transfer, Backup And Integration

medadoc picThe company, MedaDoc, has recently moved into our building, and being the good neighbors that we are, we would like to tell you a little bit about them

With technology constantly evolving, companies and individuals are being forced to quickly adapt to rapid changes. This is no different for in the medical field. When a healthcare provider needs to transfer their patients’ medical records due to acquisition or moving to different technology, it can be a lengthy and strenuous process. Being that patient records and EHR’s are extremely sensitive information, healthcare providers need to be certain that this process goes smoothly and promptly.

MedaDoc is a New York and Florida-based Technology Company focused on the Transfer, Backup and Integration of medical records and clinical and other data. MedaDoc works with the Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Insurance Industries leveraging their technology and knowledge to deliver data solutions that no-one else can. In essence, MedaDoc provides a set of Data products and services that enable Healthcare Providers to reap the full intended benefits of their Electronic Information Technology systems.

MedaDoc does not replace existing systems. Instead they enable the existing systems to deliver on the unkempt promises that were made when these systems were implemented such as reducing administrative costs, reducing the workload for doctors, increasing time with patients which ensures more attention to patient health, increasing revenue and reimbursements, improved communication within and between Healthcare providers, and ensuring accurate and reliable clinical, administrative and billing information available at the right time to the right person at the right place.

Some of MedaDoc’s services include records transfer, records backup, and records integration. MedaDoc’s technology allows patient records to migrate seamlessly from and to any EMR/EHR and Practice Management system. Where necessary, we can move data even without access to the back end or database or server, and with or without the cooperation of the IT department. One of the biggest issues that keep healthcare providers and doctor’s offices on their toes is the threat of a ransomware attack. Patient medical records contain extremely sensitive and confidential information and documents, and if a hospital or doctor’s computer get hacked it can lead to costly outcomes. MedaDoc can seamlessly back up medical records and data in an ultra-secure and compliant setting that is Ransomware-proof, and restore it you when disaster strikes,

​Where necessary, we can even backup and restore data that has already been affected by Ransomware. This way, a healthcare provider can rest assured knowing that their patients’ confidential records are safe. MedaDoc’s top notch technology can connect any workflow between multiple systems. For example, MedaDoc can bring back the procedure notes for a physician directly into his/her base EHR. This can save a physician precious time where they can be doing something more productive than copying patient notes from one system to another. MedaDoc can also synchronize multiple systems that a doctor or practice uses. This allows a physician to write anywhere and have their data ready everywhere at a click of a button. So for example, when a doctor gets called to the emergency because their patient had been admitted, that doctor can write his/her notes in the hospital and it will automatically be replicated in all his/her other EHR charts for that same patient. This real time integration between systems will allow doctors to access their patient’s records much easier and faster and help them administer better care.

MedaDoc’s skilled team of highly talented individuals work day and night to ensure that their clients receive the best services. They understand the importance of what it means to be relied on, and they guarantee that they will work to make a physician’s or their practice’s day to day operations run smoothly and efficiently.