Tag Archives: tat

Fade or Remove Old Tattoos!

We all make mistakes, but usually we have the chance to change and overcome it. One thing that no matter how much you change always stays with you, is a tattoo. Every tattoo is a story, whether good or bad and sometimes you want to erase that story. Well, if that is the case, then the Candela Laser Tattoo Removal system is for you! Up for auction is the well known and widely used ALEX TriVantage model and currently is over tens of thousands of dollars below normal used prices. This is a 2012 model, but a 2010 model listed online is going for over $17,000 while this newer version starts at just $3,500! Equipped with amazing technologies, it can help fade an old tattoo and in some cases erase it all together! Currently there are no bidders yet so you can be the first to put your bid down on this. It should be noted that there are some service issues and it may need some repair. The auction is based out of Richmond VA and closes on December 15 at 12:00 Noon Central Time (CT). For more information about this auction, or to search thousands of others click here to subscribe to www.GovernmentAuctions.org and receive a FREE 3 day trial.