Tag Archives: exercise machine

Stairmaster 4000: Stepping to a New Beat

Stairmaster 4000Are you ready to step your way to a whole new–better–body. Well, this item works as easy as walking to the store a few times a week. Up for auction here is a Stairmaster 4000. This exercise machine can get you those shapely legs and firm gluteus maximus that you have desperately been trying to get. All you have to do its plug this machine in, and start stepping. Only a short workout every now and again will tone you up in no time. This item is available via live auction. If you are going to attend this event, be prepared to come early. The auction is scheduled for September 1 in New Jersey. Want more details? Head over to GovernmentAuctions.org and activate today.

Pro-Form 1200 Elliptical: Get Fit!

pro-form 1200Do you want that ripped beach body, but hate paying an insane amount of money for a gym membership? Do your fees keep getting pumped up, but your muscles don’t? Well, fear not, the answer is here: The Pro-Form 1200 Elliptical. With this outstanding piece of fitness equipment, one could see that gym membership bill vanish from their monthly statement–and in conjunction, shed pounds or tone up your body. This full-body exercise machine has endless amounts of different workouts; so you will never get bored with the same routine. This elliptical is ready to be bid on and taken home at a live auction in the NY metro area on September 1. Get there early and you might come away with that summer body that you’ve always dreamed of. To get more details on this item, click here for you free trial.