Tag Archives: hardcore

130 Trash Can Lids: A Backyard Wrestler’s Dream!

bangbangIf you have 130 trash cans with no lids, then you should check out this current online auction for 130 Trash Can Lids. If you were a backyard wrestler, hardcore wrestler, indy wrestler, or a huge Cactus Jack fan, then these lids would definitely fit your style of brawling. But, if that’s not your cup of tea, then you should use these lids for other reasons. You could use them as makeshift drum cymbals for your post modern art-pop band. You could use them as makeshift table tops for your 100% recycled ultra vegan/freegan restaurant. You could use them to play catch with a very large dog. You could paint them red and black and have the worlds biggest game of connect four! These are located in Oregon and can be yours soon! The current bid on this lot is only $30 with the auction ending tomorrow. Find out more by activating your free trial account. Bang Bang!