Tag Archives: judge dredd

Set Of Law Books: Learn It Well!

The Law BooksThis Set Of Law Books can be yours soon at this current online auction! Law books are great if you want to be a lawyer or just want to brush up before taking the bar or something. These books are located in Utah and can be yours very soon. These books can be shipped out to you or picked up right from the auction site. These books are totally in excellent shape and would aid you in your quest to uphold the law. The law should not be taken into the hands of those who have not practiced it nor should it be taken lightly. These books would look great on your shelf and would be a tremendous asset to anything you do because it does not hurt to know the law and all its confines. The current bid on this item is only $100 with the auction ending very soon. Find out more about this lot of books as well as many more government auction items by activating your free trial now!