Tag Archives: phones

8 Blackberry Tour Cell Phones: Tell Someone You Care.

Blackberry Tour PhonesIf you want to come on down to phone town you should check out this current online auction for 8 Blackberry Tour Cell Phones. These phones would be such a great item to buy because they would let you stay in touch with the whole world via phone calls, text messages, the Internets, and much more. Blackberry makes an extremely versatile and easy to use phone and it’s no wonder why people are so addicted to them! These phones are located in New York and can be shipped out to you when you decide that you want to win! Blackberry cell phones are the wave of the future and are a cost effective way to have a great smart phone at a great price. They look new also! The current bid on this lot is only $76 with the auction ending very soon. Find out more about this item and about many more government auction items by activating your free trial account right now.

25 8g iPhones: Make Those Calls

25 8g iphonesIf you are looking for a lot of phones for any reason then you should check out this upcoming online auction for 25 8g iPhones. These phones would be great if you are a reseller because they are all new in box and could fetch you a pretty good price. The Apple iPhone is a revolutionary device that can not only let you make phone calls but it would let you send and receive texts, emails, download apps, make connections, enjoy social media, take photos, and much much more. These phones would go for a pretty good price. These would also be great if you had a horde of employees or staffers waiting for you to give them their daily jobs. These phones would let you keep in touch with everyone! Find out more about these phones and about a multitude of other government auctions simply by activating your free trial account right now.

3 Blackberry Bold 9700 Phones: Oh, You Didn’t KNOW!?

Blackberry BoldWell, yo @$$ better call somebody! If you are looking for some new in box smart phones then you should check out this lot of 3 Blackberry Bold 9700 Phones that are soon to be up for online auction on the world wide web. Blackberry knows how to make a smart phone and when they do it would fit right in the palm of your hand so you can make calls, texts, check emails, check the internet, and much more. These phones come new in box and can be used or resold or given to friends as gifts. If you run a company or have a business then this would be a good way to keep in touch with employees and clients. These phones are pretty new and would make a wonderful addition to your stock of electronics. Expect to save a lot of money with these phones too. Find out more about this lot of items and about many more by activating your free trial account right now.

275 Blackberry Phones: Make Those Calls Count!

275 PhonesIf you are looking for a great lot of phones to bid on because of the nature of your business then you should come on down to the online auction house and check out this current online auction for a lot of 275 Blackberry Phones. These phones look like they are in great shape and can definitely be of use to anyone who decides to take them up for their own. Blackberry makes a very useful and versatile cell phone and if you want to load up your workers with these phones then you would be a great boss. These phones are located in Virginia and can be shipped out to you when you win. Blackberry phones are all the rage among young and old because they let you take calls as well as make them including texts or surfing the internet. The current bid on these phones is only $3,400 with the auction ending May 4. Find out more about these phones by activating your free trial account now.

812 Cell Phones: Call Somebody!

812 Cell PhonesIf you are looking for a whole bunch of cell phones we do believe you may have struck gold in this lot of 812 Cell Phones that is currently up for online auction. This lot of phones can be yours soon if you want to win them at this auction. They may be a bit older but they seem like they are in great shape and this lot even includes some smartphones. If you have been searching for some phones to resell at a profit then this may be the auction you have been waiting for. You would just need a phone plan for them if you run a company and have decided to give each one of your workers a phone to keep in touch with everyone. They are located in Arizona and can probably be shipped out to you when you win! The current bid is only $85 with the auction ending tomorrow. Find out more about this item and about many more by activating your free trial account right now.

3 Office Phones: They Will Get The Job Done!

3 Office PhonesIf you are looking for some office phones then you should check out this current online auction for 3 Office Phones that are available for current online auction! These phones would be great for someone who has just started their own business and needs a call center or way of contacting people via telephone. These phones are located in Texas and can probably be shipped out to you with zero problems. They all look like they are in great shape and when you attach these phones to the power plus land line, you would see exactly how great they would serve you. These phones are such a great communication tool and you could increase your business and attainability by getting them. The current bid on this item is only $25 with the auction ending extremely soon. Find out more about these phones and about many more government auctions by activating your free trial account right now.

White iPhone 4: The Future Is You!

White iPhone 4If you are looking for a stylish top of the line phone then you cannot beat the White iPhone 4. This phone is actually going to be up for online auction relatively soon. If you want to stay in touch with the rest of world via phone calls, texts, personalized updates, state of the art apps, the web, music, movies, and much more, then this is phone for you! This phone can be hooked up to any computer and charged or filled with lots of media. Apple makes a very great product that would come in handy when you are stuck in a jam. This phone would be the perfect gift for someone who needs a new phone and enjoys patented Apple technology. It looks like it is in pretty good shape and would serve you well if you had a phone plan for it and took care of it. Find out more about this item and about many more government auctions by activating your free trial right now.

102 Cell Phones: Reach Out And Call Someone

102 Cell PhonesIf you are looking to really make some serious phone calls then you should check out this current online auction for a lot of 102 Cell Phones. These phones are in pretty excellent shape and come in many makes and models. You have smart phones, Blackberries, Nokias, flip phones, and more. Cell phones are such a marvel of modern technology. They let you communicate with people across great distances without being tethered to a wall. Just think about how within the last 25 years that came to pass! It will boggle your mind and make you play Boggle at the same time. These phones will let you make phone calls, get emails, send texts, and all that good stuff. The current bid on this whole lot of 102 phones is only $25 with the auction ending today. You can find out more about these phones and many other government auctions items by activating your free trial here.

1 Container Of iPhones: Oh, Yes!

Container of iphoneIf you are looking for a lot of iPhones, then you are in luck because you have the chance to bid on 1 Container Of iPhones. This lot would be ideal for someone that owns a franchise store dedicated to the selling of cell phones. It would be a great buy because you can probably get these phones on the cheap and resell them at a nice profit. When these phones come into your possession you will see the true power of the iPhone. You could probably even keep a couple for yourself or your friends and family. Apple technology has taken over the world so you might as well jump on the band wagon before you are left in the dust with all the other unwanted technology that inhabits the electronic wasteland of the future. This container is located in California and can be yours this month. Find out more about this lot of phones and many more items by activating your free trial account now.

62 Motorola Cell Phones: You Better Call Somebody!

Motorola Cell PhonesIf you are looking for a whole lot of phones then you should check out this current online auction for 62 Motorola Cell Phones. These phones would rock your world and make communication with other people a snap. You could check email, send texts, make calls, and much more. These phones would be excellent to give to all of your employees and when you show them this high grade communications set up, they will applaud your efforts as a boss. Motorola is a fine maker of phones and they have been around for a very long time. These would be great if you want to give them out as gifts too. They would also be some great items to give to charity. There is money to be saved when you bid on items at this auction. Click here to find out more about many government auctions including seized and surplus items. The power is in your hands!