Tag Archives: school projector

Dalite Versator Projector Screen: You Need One!

projscreenIf you have a home projector, you should check out this Dalite Versator Projector Screen that is available at a current online auction! This item can be set up in any home or office. You can set up a photo projector, film projector, or home media projector, and be able to watch anything you want on this big blank screen. Once you set this bad boy up you would have oodles of fun with it and your place would be the ultimate party spot in the neighborhood! This screen can probably be shipped out to you with the greatest of ease! You can even probably give this screen out as a gift to the more media conscience person in your life. It would also be great for your school, if you happen to be in charge of getting items for it. The current bid is only $25 with the auction ending next week! You can find out more about this screen and about other government auctions by activating your free trial.