Tag Archives: computer auction

10 Dell Computers: The Right Touch!

10 dellIf you want to rock and roll on the information super highway then you should definitely check out this current online auction for 10 Dell Computers. These computers will help you out in the long run and they could be used for a variety of reasons as well as parts! Dell makes a very reliable and easy to use computer. This lot of machines would be some great inventory if you ran a computer store or needed parts for that super computer you are building in your basement! These machines are located in Texas and can be shipped out to you with no problem at all. The current bid is only $75 with the auction ending soon! This is a steal no matter how you slice it! You can totally expect to save a lot of money once you bid on this lot of computers as well. Find out more about these computers and many other auctions by clicking here.

16 Dell Computers: Welcome To Technology

16DellsIf you own a computer store then you should check out this current online auction for a lot of 16 Dell Computers. These computers run well and can be yours soon. This auction is only for the computer towers. These do not come with monitors, keyboards, mouses (mice?), or software. These machines are located in California and can easily be shipped out to you with no problems. Imagine all you can do with these machines! You could do all the schoolwork in the world. The current bid on this lot is only $310 with the auction ending in a couple of days. Find out more about these computers and many other government auctions by activating your free trial account.