Tag Archives: housewares

60 Pillows: Sweet Dreams

60PillowsSleeping soundly can be a rarity the older you get. Sometimes you need all the comfort you can get and that means equipping your surroundings with a multitude of pillows the likes of which no one has ever seen. Sure, you see a bed with one or two pillows, maybe three if you like to get crazy but have you ever seen a bed with 60 Pillows on it? Well, you can be a pioneer of pillow science if you check out this current online auction for 60 Pillows. These fluffy comfort zones are located in Alabama and can probably float to you once you win the auction. It will be ending soon and you don’t want to miss out on the comfort. Find out more by activating your free trial account.

84 12 Cup Mr. Coffee Model CG-12 Coffee Makers: The Best Part Of Waking Up

MrCoffeeThere’s nothing like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to get your day started right. If you like your coffee or for some reason need a ton of coffee makers then you should check out this current online auction for 84 12 Cup Mr. Coffee Model CG-12 Coffee Makers. These machines would go like hot cakes if you sold them at a discount. They are located in Kansas and would probably have to be picked up. They are all new in box and just waiting to percolate some fresh morning brew. This auction ends in early August with the current bid being only $160. If you act now these coffee makers could be yours. Find out more by logging in here.