Tag Archives: Television

Sharp TV: So Sharp It Will Hurt!

Sharp TVIf you just moved into a new apartment, then you should check out this current online auction for a Sharp TV! This TV looks like it’s in pretty good shape and can most certainly entertain the masses once it’s plugged in at home! You can hook up all of your favorite peripherals to this TV such as your DVD player, Blu Ray player, Cable box, stereo system, and much more! This TV is located in Montana and can probably be shipped out to you when you win! You can entertain yourself or your family all day and it would take movie night to the next level especially if you did not have a TV before this. You can also give this TV as a gift to anyone who has just moved into their own! The current bid on this item is only $10 with the auction ending very soon! Find out more about this item and about many other government auctions by activating your free trial account right now!

40 Inch Sony Bravia TV: Watch And Learn!

40 Inch Sony BraviaThis 40 Inch Sony Bravia TV can be yours at this upcoming online auction! Sony makes one heckuva TV and their brand has become a household name for the past few generations. Sony makes an extremely wide range of products and the cool thing is that they are all compatible with each other. You can hook up a ton of great peripherals to this top of the line HDTV. Your PS3 would look fantastic coming through this screen. You could hook up an HD Blu Ray player to this as well and have it looking top notch. It doesn’t stop there though. You can also hook up a sweet stereo system to this TV and blast everything away with rocking sound effects. You could also save a good amount of money if you check out this item at this auction. Find out more about this auction and about many others by activating your free trial account right now!

Sanyo 32 Inch Flatscreen TV: Glorious.

Sanyo Flat ScreenIf you are looking for some sweet home entertainment, then you should check out this upcoming online auction for a Sanyo 32 Inch Flat-screen TV. This flat-screen would be just what you need for that upcoming Superbowl party! Sanyo is a name that has been around for longer than you think. They make some pretty sweet electronics and now you can bring them into your home and watch whatever you want, whenever you want.  This TV can either be put on a stand or probably wall mounted to your liking. Once you see the clear image and stunning sound you will know that you made the right choice. Plus, you could also probably save yourself a pretty penny by bidding on this item. Check it out and more! Find out all about this TV set and about many other government auctions by activating your free trial account right now.

Element 55 Inch HDTV: Livin’ Large!

ElementTVThis Element 55 Inch HDTV will be up for online auction coming very soon. Once you install this puppy into your home, you would be glad that you got the best and biggest bang for your buck. It doesn’t matter if Element isn’t a household name at this point, what matters is that you get a newish larger than life HDTV for what could be a potentially excellent price. This TV would be great if you could hook it up to your favorite peripherals as well as whatever you have in your house that you can view. It would make a great gift just in time for the holidays and with this TV you could watch all of your favorite shows or movies or games on a gigantic screen! Element would be your bread and butter and this TV will last if you take care of it! Find out more about this auction and many other government auctions by activating your free trial account here.

55-Inch Samsung TV: Holy Cow–That’s Huge!

samsung55Now that the football season is about halfway through, and basketball season might be coming back shortly, you will probably want to have a gigantic TV to view these high-action sports. Right? That’s what we thought. If so, you definitely want to check out this next auction. Up for sale is a Samsung, 55″, LCD. It features HDMIX4, Auto 120H2 Motion Plus, Touch of Color, Full HD 1080, and it includes the remote. The power chord is missing though. It does look to be in great condition. If you are looking to place a bid, you are going to have to do it at the online auction that is taking place on Nov 15! Make sure you check it out through our website!

RCA TV Set: Playtime With The Stars

RCATVIf you are looking for your next TV fix, then you should check out this current online auction for an RCA TV. This TV could answer all of your wishes once you plug it in. We don’t mean that in the supernatural way, but in the way that it will let you watch your favorite programming right from the comfort of your own home. RCA has made great TVs for generations and with this TV set you will become part of that RCA legacy. You can hook up all of your favorite peripherals to this device and it would definitely shout it out loud! This TV is located in Pennsylvania and can probably be shipped out to you. This would be great for someone who just moved into a dorm room or new swinging pad. The current bid on this TV is only $5 with the auction ending very soon. You can find out more about this item and many other government auctions by activating your free trial account now.

19 Inch Samsung TV: Get Hip To It!

samtv1If you are looking to get a little extra dose of entertainment through superior technology, then you should check out this current online auction for a 19 inch Samsung TV. This TV would be great to relax in front of while you watch your favorite shows and play your favorite games. Samsung makes a great product and with this TV you would certainly be going places. This TV would look great in your home or office and would be a great way to show clients some campaign you’re working on or at least show them that you like having TVs in your office. It is located in West Virginia and can be shipped out to you once you win! This would also make a great gift for the upcoming holidays! The current bid on this item is only $75 with the auction ending next week. You can find out more about this TV and many other items by activating your free trial account.

Vizio 26 Full HD 1080p LCD HDTV: Perfect For Everything!

vizdoubleCheck out this lot of 2 Vizio 26 Full HD 1080p LCD HDTV ‘s! These TV sets are new in box and are available at an online auction coming up next month in Florida. Vizio makes a durable and affordable TV. With this auction you could get two HD television sets. If you have kids these would be perfect for their rooms or if you want to set them both up in the living room and kitchen, you can do that too! These TV sets look like they come new in their original boxes. Imagine all the fun you can have with these 2 TVs plugged in. You can hook up all of your peripherals  to these machines and really create your very own multimedia entertainment center. You won’t be sorry if you got these TV sets, plus they make great gifts. It’s never too early to do some pre-emptive holiday shopping! Find out all about these items and many other government auctions here.

Sony TV Set: Watch Some Great Programs

sonyTVSony makes an awesome TV set. You can always count on Sony products to be the top of the line and really wow you with some great experiences. This current online auction is for a large Sony TV which is located in Wisconsin. This TV looks like it is in pretty good shape. It also looks like it needs a home. Are you willing to take this poor defenseless TV into your home and really give it the tender love and car is deserves? Well, you should be ready. We think it’s about time you grew up and finally had a TV of your own. You could stay up late with it and watch your favorite shows on TV, or pop in a DVD and watch it on screen. you can even hook up your video game systems to this device and enjoy hours of fun. the current bid on this item is only $10 with the auction ending soon. You can find out all about this TV and many other auctions by activating your free trial.

Samsung Plasma TV Model HP-R4252: Get Your Groove On

samsungplasmaSamsung is a name to trust when it comes to buying home electronics. If you are in the market for a new TV, then you should check out this upcoming online auction that will feature this Samsung Plasma TV Model HP-R4252. This TV looks like it’s in pretty good condition and can probably be mounted on your wall. You could enjoy all of your peripherals to their fullest extent once you hook them up to this TV. This unit could last for a very long time once it is in your home and hooked up properly. You could enjoy hours on end of your favorite programming, but now on a big screen. Find out more about this item and many other government auctions by activating your free trial account here.