Tag Archives: vehcile auction

1989 Sea Ray Sundancer Boat: Don’t Walk, But Dance On The Sun!

itoucherThis 1989 Sea Ray Sundancer Boat will be up for live auction coming soon in the awesome state of Ohio! This boat comes with a trailer so you can carry it behind you and then place it in the marina where it would rest until you call upon it again. Just make sure you haul it with a strong enough car other wise you’ll be looking at the other half of your car attached to it on the ground! This boat would be awesome for the upcoming summer. You would have to make sure it is in tip top shape before you dip it in the water of course, but after that you can make this ride party central! This boat may be from 1989 but it looks like it is in tremendous shape and can take you anywhere you want to go provided that there is water you can travel over! Find out more about this auction and about many others by activating your free trial account right now!