Tag Archives: books

60 Medical Books: Your Body Is A Wonderland.

Medical BooksThese 60 Medical Books would help you get a firm grasp on the human body with out you getting kicked out of the club, if you know what we mean! These books are located in Kentucky and can be picked up or shipped out to you once you win. If you want to get a good handle on medical problems and anatomy then you should definitely check these books out because they could help you. They would help with your natural curiosity about medical conditions of the human body and if you are a med student then they would help you immensely with your studies. Plus, you would save on school books tremendously. These look like they are in great shape and you could probably resell them too. The current bid on this item is only $25 with the auction ending very soon. Find out more about these books and about other auctions when you activate your free trial.

Assorted Law Books: You’re Out Of Order!

Assorted Law BooksIf you have a hankering for a law degree then you should come on down to the online auction house and check out this current online auction for a lot of Assorted Law Books. These books look like they are in great shape and have all their pages. If you have ever wanted to study law or even dabble in law then this would be the best auction for you to bid on! They are located in Washington and can be shipped out to you or picked up with your car. These books would come in handy for any and all wannabe lawyers or dabblers. These law books can be yours soon and they would also make great gifts. Plus, they would look great on any shelf and make you at least look smart. The current bid on these books is only $5 with the auction ending extremely soon. You can find out about this lot and about many more government auctions by simply activating your free trial account right now.

Amazon Kindle: Reading Is Fundamental!

Amazon KindleIf you want to jump into other worlds by reading then you should definitely check out this upcoming online auction for an Amazon Kindle. This magical device can hold thousands of books within its electronic housing. How? Through the miracle of modern technology! That’s how! You can read as many books as you want at the same time and this nifty little thing would save you a ton of space if you are traveling as well. This revolutionary device makes reading on the ago as easy as ABC, plus you could have such a great time flipping it out of your pocket for your morning or afternoon commute and get some solid reading done without having to really lug any books anywhere. You can save yourself a huge chunk of money with this item and it does look like it’s in pretty good shape. Find out more about this item and about many more items by clicking here.

60 Hard Cover Books: Enjoy This!

Hard Cover BooksIf you want to get your hands on some books at a low price you should check out this current online auction for 60 Hard Cover Books. These books can be yours soon and would make a great way to pass the time as you flip through the pages of many an untold adventure. You never know what may lie ahead of you in these great tomes of fantastic stories. Maybe, in one you will be a dashing price and in another you would be a cruel mistress of the night with a legion of creatures at your command. These books can also be used for education reasons if you need to do a report. Remember, they are all hardcover so you may have to pay for the shipping of these books. 60 hardcover books can be pretty heavy. The current bid on these books is only $5 with the auction ending this week. Find out more about these books and many other auctions by logging in now.

6 Shelf Protective Case: A Garage For Your Books!

Protective ShelfIf you are looking to guard some stuff that you can easily fit on a shelf then you should check out this 6 Shelf Protective Case! This case features 6 shelves, a maroon paint job, and a sliding cover for the shelves, which appears to be metal of some sort. This unit would be perfect to keep in your garage because it would protect what you decide to store and it would keep them from getting dirty. It is located in Illinois and is already assembled. All you have to do is pick it up right when you win. You could save yourself a huge chunk of change when you plan on buying this item. You can put anything you want on this shelf and you could be able to store them indefinitely. The current bid on this unit is only $25 with the auction ending tomorrow. Find out more about this item and about many more by activating your free trial account right now.

Amazon Kindle: Read A Book!

kindleIf you like reading but hate to carry around a ton of books, you should check out this current online auction for an Amazon Kindle. This electronic reader lets you download books off of the inter-webs and read them on a digital screen. There is literally no fuss, no muss, and no paper cuts. This reader is a genius device because you can carry it around with you wherever you go, read whatever book you want, and don’t have to carry around a bookbag full of what you want to read. Plus, with this auction you can probably get it at a very good rate and won’t have to pay much for shipping. This device could be in the palm of your hands extremely soon! Amazon has broken new ground with this fantastic device and if you like to read then this is the perfect thing to get yourself. Find out more about this item and many other government auctions by activating your free trial now.

12 Typewriters: Now All You Need Is Some Monkeys

typersHaving a typewriter around is a good way to strap yourself in and write that story or book or report you have always wanted to. If you need some machines for your home or office or for gifts, you should check out this current online auction for 12 Typewriters! You can find a few Panasonic models, some Swintec ones, and there is even an IBM. And no, IBM does not stand for “International Beat Machine”. These machines could come in handy once you or anyone you know gets a feel for them and can start churning out books or whatever you need. There is something about having a typewriter around that just feels right, and if your computer breaks down then you know just what to turn to; good old typie. Because, that is what you will name it. The current bid on this lot of items is only $10 with the auction ending next week. You can find out more about it all by clicking here.

The Unabomber’s Personal Items Will Be Up For Auction

UnabomberSketch.jpgFor almost 20 years, Ted Kaczynski aka The Unabomber, terrorized America with his home made letter bombs. Luckily, in 1996, he was caught in a cabin in the woods. Now, almost 15 years later, his personal items will be up for online auction. Coming soon, to an online auction you would be able to bid on items once owned by this nefarious individual. You could snag lots of every day items and a few more that would no doubt raise the interest of collectors or those fans of the more morbid side of auctions. You could find tools, knives, saw blades, hatchets, files, saws, hunting knives, masks, arrows, magnets, axes, and more. You could even get your hands on some clothing that was in his possession such as gloves, coats, scarves, shoes, sweaters, jackets, duffel bags, hoodies, mittens, and boots. His personal effects include typewriters, watches, yearbooks, checks, travel kit, home made calendar, and a ton of books that range from language, to history, to some classics. There are a ton of items up for grabs and the auction will take place this week, so you can click here for more details!

Book Shelf: Showcase Your Collection!

book caseBeing a collector of antique or collectibles books can be a great hobby. It’s also nice to show off your hard work in a display. We can have that set up for you. Up for auction today is a lovely bookshelf. This item is aluminum with a clean glass window for display purposes. Now you can line up your signed copies or your first editions for anybody to gaze at. This is a fantastic deal and would look great in any home or office. This item is only available through an online auction. There is only four days left to throw down a bid, while the current bid is only $25. Want all the extra info? Just click here to activate a free account.

Lot Of Books: Add To Your Collection

old booksExpand your mind-state. Pick up a book and learn about a whole new world that you might not even know existed. This auction is for a lot of seven books. They range in genre and be perfect for anyone who is a serious book collector. Some titles include Wooden Pipes, Animal Nutrition, Food for Life, and Keeping Livestock Healthy. These books are from 1923 and up. To get a chance to bid on these books, you will have to check out the online auction. The current price is only $15. There is only two days left to bid…so get on it. If you want more details on this item, and many more like it, you should head over to GovernmentAuctions.org today.